Sunday, October 27, 2024

Musica dell'Etiopia




Original Ethnic Music of the Peoples of the World

a cura di Lin Lerner & Chet A. Wollner

Albatros,  1975, VPA 8230

Ethiopia is a fascinating country which attracted many musicologists and other researchers. This is an album recorded in the field by Lin Lerner and Chet A. Wollner about whom I know nothing since there are no information in the introductory text by Alberto Paleari.
It is about tribal music from the Wallano, Hanafa, Gamu, Tigre, Adjuran, Gidole, Borana, Burgi and Konso tribes. There is one track about the Falashas those Ethiopians of Jewish faith. Most of the tracks are about collective singing (weddings songs, bringing the cattle to water, greeting song etc...); musical instruments are also featured like cow horn and different types of flutes.
The recordings were made during the summer 1973 mostly south of Addis Abeba.
Text in Italian.
This is a second-hand album.


Vive Henri IV




Disques du Cavalier, 1973, BP 2005

Unlike the records already posted here, this album by Les Menestriers is devoted entirely to music from the 15th and 16th centuries.
Most of the tunes are quite well-known with pieces by Phalese, Susato or Dowland. Songs are less well-spread like the album's eponymous song Vive Henri IV an anonymous song dated 1588 and here sung to the melody of ''Cassandre'' which was printed by Thoinot Arbeau in his famous Orchésographie. Henri IV was the king of France who put an end to the wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants; he was murdered in 1610 by a Catholic fanatic. This song praised Henri's ability to be a solid drinker, a fierce fighter and an ever-ready lover.
On track A7 is  another song rarely recorded (as far as I know) about a lady probably a wealthy one with a strong sexual appetite  who  ask everyday for Martin (a servant ?) himself feeling quite harassed in the end ... Typical of the French Renaissance which produced a lot of songs of a sexual nature. 


Friday, October 18, 2024




''ancient folklore''


This  tape perhaps a commercial one which is a copy was given to me as such without any information or cover.
The Yemenite singer Al-Hammami plays the ud as well and is backed by a derbuka player.
 Ali al-Ansi cited al-Hammami as one of his greatest influences.
I hope Leonidas or whoever it is will manage to get useful information about him.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

airs à danser pour cithare



sud-ouest de madagascar


southwestern madagascar 

Anthologie de la Musique des Peuples, 1981, AMP 2907

All the albums produced by this label are excellent under the direction of Bernard Dupaigne. This album is no exception. Bernard Koechlin made these recordings in the field between 1967 and 1969. The group of people presented here are the Vezo who live on the coast as semi-nomads travelling by pirogue or schooner. Among the different types of musical expressions the practice of the zither maaru vaani is quite developed and rich. All the pieces are instrumental demonstrating that this instrument is first of all  a solo instrument with a vast repertoire.
As Koechlin says the zither was beginning to lose ground to the diatonic accordion especially where possession music is concerned; but it is still widely played nowadays.
The presentation text in English is very informative.
This is a copy of an album borrowed from a library.


Musiques du Pays Lobi

  MUSIQUES DU PAYS LOBI MUSIC FROM THE LOBI COUNTRY  Disques OCORA/ORTF,  1970, OCR 51 This is another album that didn't make it to the ...