Thursday, September 9, 2021

Les Flûtes du Soleil


Documents recueillis et enregistrés par Gérard Kremer

Documents collected and recorded by G. Kremer

Disques Alvarès, no date, C.478

This is another LP by G. Kremer about music in South America (see post 23rd of May). It looks like a compilation of different trips overs the years in Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. From the 20 tracks 5 are recordings made in Oruro (Bolivia) at the railway station (at 4 o'clock am during the Carnival) of a band of young musicians with kena, charango, guitar and bombo; this is the kind of band we can find anywhere but the other tracks are more interesting especially those from Colombia. This country is well known for it's salsa and cumbia music but here Kremer was able to record indigenous musicians with particular types of flutes like the massi, yapurutu or kamu-purrui. So in the end this is a very mixed kind of album which was good at the time by giving another approach to South American culture to a large public.
Disques Alvarès were in fact the same label as BAM created by Jacques Alvarès in 1934 and bought in 1978 by Disc  AZ.
Unfortunately the disc is not in a very good shape on some tracks.

1 comment:

  1. Flute days...these days for me..Flute music from Andes is always welcome!! Thank you Herve!! I sent you a small gift...I hope that you enjoy it like I do.



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