Thursday, March 10, 2022

Kertalg 72





Le Chant du Monde, 1972, LDX 74513

Four years after the festival of Wight, three years after Woodstock, and one year after the first Festival interceltique de Lorient  was held on the 13th of August a festival labelled ''celtic pop'' at Kertalg a mansion near Moelan-sur-Mer in South Finistère, Brittany. This festival lasted for three years between 1972 and 1974 but had to stop mainly because of the opposition coming from the municipality. Thus three records were released by the French famous label Le Chant du Monde.
The early 70s were a time of big changes after 1968 especially culturally when what was known as provinces or regions began to contest the position of Paris in the organization of the country. In Brittany the languages (Breton and Gallo languages) were another topic for a political evolution towards more acceptance of cultural diversity. Alan Stivell had really started his long career in February the same year at the Olympia in Paris. As he wrote himself this festival was ''an old dream that came true''. There was a ''international'' dimension to it with the participation of Irish and American singers.
On the French/Breton side were invited Les leprechauns playing Irish music, Ar Skloferien (Breton music), René Werneer on fiddle, the Goadec Sisters, traditonal singers, Alan Stivell, Katel ar Skanv and the bagad (or pipe band) Bleimor based in Lorient.
On the other side were invited Happy Traum and Doon a Moor.
Not everything is great musically but the goal of the festival was to bring on stage all sorts of  musical expressions. One the highlights is the singing of a lament by the Goadec Sisters with Stivell on the celtic harp. R. Werneer was Stivell's fiddler at the time but he performed on his own backed by H. Traum's guitar.
Texts in French only. 


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