Wednesday, April 13, 2022





Melodiya, 1984, M90 46031-32

This is the first album of a serie of five LPs about Kyrgyz folk music recorded between 1930 and 1980.
Once again I got a loan of it from a cultural center in Paris and this copy is different from what I found on the web. Here there is only one disc while  the other issue has two discs per album. Again one track (A10 : ''oy oy'') mentionned in the notes is missing in my copy. Side 1 is about ''folk music'' with soloists playing komuz, choor, surnay, jew's harp, kyak with some singing. Side 2 focuses on ''masters of folk music'' meaning musicians who are also composers. Some of them play their own pieces like Ibray Tumanov, or Musa Baetov while other compositions are played by instrumental bands or other soloists.

It is difficult to know what ''ala-too'' refers to : it is the name of a range of mountains but also of a square in Bichkek the capital of Kyrgyzstan. It could be something else though...
Below content in Russian; in Kyrgyz language in the scan.


(Первая пластинка): Киргизская нар. музыка – side A

 1. На джайлоо; Шакин Жоробекова - жы-гач ооз комуз

2. Пастуший наигрыш; Асанбай Каримов - чоор

3. Кю сурная; Жунусаалы Куттубаев - сурнай

4. Помни, милый; Ажар Карачинова - ооз комуз

5. Табун; Сайд Бекмуратов - кыяк

6. Кара озгей; Кара Молдо Орозов - комуз

7. На скачках, из эпоса «Манас» (отрывок); Саякбай Каралаев ооз комуз

8. Милая; Муса Баетов - пение, комуз

9. Песня любви; Мыскал Омурканова - пение, комуз

(10. Ой-ой,)

 Мастера нар. музыки – side B

1. Кербез (Т. Сатылганов); Алымкул Усембаев - пение, комуз

2. На скачках (М. Куренкеев); Муратаалы Куренкеев - кыяк

3. Пестрые горы (А. Байбаатыров); ансамбль комузистов

4. Ибарат (К. Орозов); Кара Молдо Орозов - комуз

5. О, девушки (М. Баетов); Муса Баетов - пение, accordion

6. Победа (И. Туманов); Ибрай Туманов - комуз

7. Виртуозный ботой (А. Огомбаев); ансамбль комузистов

 8. Камбаркан (М. Куренкеев, обр. С. Ряузова). орк. киргизских нар. инстр. им. К. Орозова п/у Н. Давлесова




  1. Thanks Herve !!

    Alatau Kaz.or Ala-Too Kyrgyz. (Turk. “Motley mountains”, the name is due to the fact that in summer these mountains have a “skewbald” color, partly white due to snow, partly dark in snowless areas. The mountains are also one of the main attractions of Kazakhstan.

    more info/scans here :

  2. Thanks a lot Hervé for this great album and Leonidas for the additional information.

    Here is the short film Manastchi (Storyteller of Manas) from 1965 by Bolotbek Chamchiev, which pays tribute to the storyteller Sayakbay Karalaev (who appears on track 7 of this album)

    MANASCHI, 1965 (with English subtitles)

  3. Thanks lads ! always ready to help; I like that and this blog couldn't grow up without people like you !


Musiques du Pays Lobi

  MUSIQUES DU PAYS LOBI MUSIC FROM THE LOBI COUNTRY  Disques OCORA/ORTF,  1970, OCR 51 This is another album that didn't make it to the ...