Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Chez les Esquimaux Netsiligmiout



Arctique Central Canadien

enregistrement réalisé par Jean-Noël Malaurie

Central Canadian Arctic

recordings made by J.N Malaurie

Le Chant du Monde,  1965, LDZ.S 4284

This is an excellent example of what some French labels were careful to publish during the 60s at a time when Inuit culture was completely ignored by the Western public. 
J.-N. Malaurie born in 1922 conducted 31 missions in the Inuit world (Greenland, Canada, Alaska and USSR) from 1948. He wrote a book, now a best seller, ''Les Derniers Rois de Thulé'' published by Plon in 1955; it was probably the first time that French people could read and discover the life and all the problems faced by the Inuit since their first contacts with Westerners.
Here we can listen to a story about Kivioq a legendary hero, some incantatory chants, hunting songs and some accordion music. The album starts with the cries of dogs at night. Most of the recordings were made at Igloolik near Baffin Island between 1962 and 1963.
As it is said in the French text the Inuk society has attempted to integrate into the modern world since World War II but is still facing problems of heavy drinking, drug consumption, loss of its language and traditions by the younger generations etc... Now this territory is part of Nunavut an autonomous region created in 1999 where a local government can act in favor of the Inuit.
We know that Inuit have lived there for at least 4000 years despite terrible weather conditions developing a unique culture in the world.  Cultural diversity is as much paramount as the biological diversity and the present situation in the Arctic should really alert us and  push us to change our lifestyles. But can we really ??




  1. Thank you very much Herve for this rare music gem!!! Have a perfect weekend!!

  2. Merci beaucoup Hervé pour tous les disques que tu partages et pour tes commentaires! Les films réalisés par Jean Malaurie sur la culture Inuit sont passionnants aussi.

  3. Thanks Leonidas; the same to you !
    Merci Erman pour tes encouragements; bon été !



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