Monday, October 17, 2022

Music in Sweden 2



Music in Sweden 2 - Musik in Schweden 2 - Musique en Suède 2

Caprice, 1977, CAP 1123

This is an excellent compilation made of mono recordings in the field between 1951 and 1976. This is the second volume of a series about different types of music in Sweden; the first volume deals with classical music, the third one jazz, etc...
There are twelve different categories, six on each side with a certain number of tracks for each category. Although I could have had the tracks separated I chose to follow the original presentation by category.
The album starts with a stunnig herding call by Karin Edvards Johansson and ends with some melodeon music. All the people have their names and location mentionned. Some names are quite famous as the name of Erik Sahlström one of the kings of the nyckelharpa or Gössa Anders Andersson the fiddler from Orsa.
Texts in English, German, Swedish and French. Only the English part is scanned. 


1 comment:

  1. <> Much Appreciated Herve !! A nice sample of swedish music!!



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