Saturday, March 23, 2024




Musique du Monde, ?, 21-500-42-2

This album  looks like it was a kind of catalogue or special product for the French public or tourists. All the photos being from the Tunisian National Tourist Office I believe the music was also recorded for this Office. All the musicians are anonymous. The French text speaks about the fact that tourists are usually cut  off from the real culture of Tunisia since they all spend their holiday time in special resorts with faked or half-faked displays of music and dance specially made for them so that in the end the tourist goes back to France with a distorted picture of Tunisia and its culture.
So the music provided here is purely instrumental which is a bit strange when we know that singing is quite dominant. But as the text says the goal of this album is not to give details that only ethnomusicologists would enjoy. There is a presentation of the instruments recored here : gasba, zokra, kamun, mezoued, ney and darbuka. Some names of the instruments are badly spelled like ''sitar'' for ''cithare'' or ''nail'' for ney !

This disc bears number 23 in that collection  but  this is the only I have so I don't know about the other references in that collection.
It was distributed by ''Compagnie Française BASF''.
But thanks to Leonidas here is the complete list of all the albums issued in this collection :



  1. Merci Herve!! ""This disc bears number 23 in that collection but this is the only I have so I don't know about the other references in that collection"".....The answer :

  2. I don't know how long it took you to find that page but congratulations. I couldn't get it myself on Discogs. The whole collection looks interesting enough; thanks again !



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