Friday, November 12, 2021

Bulgarian dining table songs



 Българска Трапеза

Balkanton, 1981, BHA 10578 

This is a compilation from the huge Balkanton catalogue with ''Balkanton artists''. This is about what Bulgarians call ''table songs'' or slow airs. So every single track starts with such an air but most of the time it is followed by a dance tune. The solo instruments are the gadulka, the kaval, the gajda, the violin, the accordion and the saxophone. Some of the players are quite famous like Atanas Vulchev or Ibro Lolov; others are less known like Ivan Boichev on fiddle. The soloists are backed by  full folk orchestras with the arrangements so appreciated in Bulgarian national folklore during the Communist period. One band is smaller and closer to traditional bands : the Strandzha Group with kaval, gajda, tambura and tapan.


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