Thursday, June 30, 2022





Melodiya, 1986, M30 47331 005/47333 001

 B. Mansurov (1911-1985) was unanimously recognised as the best tar player in Azerbaijan at that time.
In fact he was considered as the only one able to pass on the whole corpus of the Azeri mugam in a trusty manner.
This double album was copied for me on tapes by a pen-friend in Leningrad, Sasha. It looks like it's made of two different previous single albums; one of them was reissued on CD in Iran.
The three tracks on album 1 side A were recorded in 1959, 1967, 1983 respectively; the two tracks on side B were recorded in 1967; the three tracks on album 2 side A were recorded in 1959; the other three tracks on side B in 1983.
Text in Russian.

download.wav (1)

download.wav (2)

''Two Champions''




Outlet, 1971, SOLP 1014

As it is the case with the vast majority of Outlet production the sound of this album is ''crude''. But I suppose this wouldn't deter real fans of those two great musicians. McGuire fiddle is at the forefront while Burke's box and Josephine Keegan's piano are too far back to my taste. Is that the result of a bad mixing or is it done on purpose ? At least  we can listen to  the fierce fiddling of S. McGuire quite well with all the variations he could think of during that session. The general picture of this album is that the production might have been a bit too rushed (there are technical anomalies at the end of two tracks) but  it's full of energy based on a steady repertoire of standards.
McGuire and Burke were All-Ireland Champions several times hence the title of the album. McGuire died in 2005 while Burke must be 83 years old now. 





Len Graham Gerry O'Connor Andrew McNamara Garry O'Briain

Claddagh Records, 1987, CC46

 This is the first album of the band Skylark with a brilliant line up : L. Graham (vocal), G. O'Connor (fiddle), A. McNamara (box), G. O'Briain (mandocello, guitar, piano). They were all very well known beforehand each one in their musical field. They recorded four albums between 1987 and 1996 for Claddagh but this album has not been reissued yet.
Due to the different origins of the musicians (county Clare, Louth and Antrim) the repertoire is large enough. Most of the songs come from Ulster (Eddie Butcher, Robert Cinnamond, ...) and the tunes from S. Maguire, C. McConnell, B. O'Malley, T. Gunn, ... with an Ulster flavour as well.
Twelve tracks altogether introduced with useful information.


Thursday, June 23, 2022





Madau Dischi,  1985, K-018

The couple piffero-fisarmonica (chromatic accordion) is typical of the region called in Italy ''le Quattro Province'' because the area  straddles the provinces of Piemonte, Lombardia, Liguria and Genoa. The accordion replaced in fact the bagpipe called ''müsa'' and that duet was known then as ''I Müsetta'' until the beginning of the 20th century.
Bani and Tigliòn are members of the folk band I Müsetta. Ettore ''Bani'' Losini plays the piffero (local traditional oboe) and sings, Attilio ''Tigliòn'' Rocca plays the fisarmonica and sings as well. The repertoire is completely traditional with polkas, waltzes, monferina, mazurcas, ...
Now the bagpipe is alive again thanks to the revival in Northern Italy and plays again with the piffero and the accordion. The major piffero master is Stefano Valla who is by far the most well known abroad; but lots of other pifferari keep this lovely music alive. 


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