Sunday, June 12, 2022




παίζει ό MHTΣOΣ XINTZIOΣ kαί τό σuγκρότημά τou


Mitsos Hintzios plays and his band

Doraphone, 1977, DOR 101

 The band in question is the ordinary duet of zurnas with a drum we can meet all over the north of Greece and in neighboring countries. But the approach of music can differ from one band to another according to the region I think. While the second zurna usually plays the drone to sustain the first zurna here it plays the full melody along with Hintzios most of the time. When he improvises on the theme the second zurna plays a kind of rif. The daouli (drum) plays all the time. The repertoire comes mostly from Macedonia and Thrace. Nevertheless they have two Pontic dances because of the big presence of Pontic Greek offsprings in Northern Greece since 1923. If you like this kind of music whether it's Greek, Turkish or Macedonian you'll enjoy this album too.
Thanks to Leonidas (see comment) more about this master : (in Greek)



  1. Thank you Herve for the upgrade!!

    The most typical case is that of the legendary
    Zournatzi Dimitriou (Mitsou) Hintzou (1908-1995).
    The life of this particular musician is a relief representation of the historical route from Tzoumagia to Heraklia
    and incorporates all rearrangements of the space, as well as the consequent changes of the cultural identity of the mahala.
    (Mahalas= Roma village)
    Mitsos Hintzos served as a musician in the Greek and Bulgarian armies and was a rare
    case of a folk organ player who knew western musical notation, that is, he read notes. In addition, he worked for many years as a conductor in the band of the Municipality of Heraklia, from where he retired. He enjoyed the full acceptance and recognition of the Vlachs of the market and was essentially a person who acted as a symbol and as the good testimony of the mahala from the outside. It is no coincidence that today the square, a place of particularly symbolic value, bears his name and which was synonymous with the instrument, (Mitsos Zournatzis).
    It is impossible when we talk about traditional music in
    our area, not to mention Dimitrios Hitzio.
    In Barba-Mitsos the zournatzi from Tzoumagia.
    Known not only in Greece, but abroad.
    He was the best ambassador of our region and hers
    Greece in general. His whole life is full of noise, full
    tradition and music. Unique zournatzis, with
    Distinctive expressiveness and technique yielded a perfect no
    not only traditional but also modern songs and
    modern purposes.
    Add another hole in the trumpet and so ours
    organ players, make more fingerings and
    grips, resulting in more
    subdivisions of tune. Too bad that such a valuable
    chapter of our traditional music does not
    utilized by the state.
    Through music he had taken on an informal role of diplomatic representation of the mahala and, presumably, advocated the full identification of the mahala with the norms of the dominant group.

    the documentary for Master Hintzios :

  2. Many thanks to you Leonidas for this very interesting piece of information. I bought this LP in 1978 I think in Kavalla. I knew Hintzios was a hell of a zurnatzi after listening to him but impossible at the time to get anything about him. Internet and solid bloggers like you made the difference !



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