Saturday, June 11, 2022




Ty Biski zwönavy-Wujže-Pravyce-Te Rozajanske

the bells of San Giorgio-songs-fables-dances

Folklore Resia, 1975 (?), 3 MTCF.R'75

The valley of the river Resia lies in Eastern Italy near the border with Slovenia; it is part of the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. There lives a population of Slovenian origin speaking a local dialect considered by linguists as a transition between Carinthian and littoral dialects in Slovenia. Due to a very long isolation this dialect evolved apart from the other dialects into a unic type of language among all the South-Slavic linguistic group. This had brought a Polish linguist to visit several times this area : Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929). He wrote a book ''Resia ed i Resiani; the short text on the cover is an extract of this book.
The inhabitants says in their vast majority that they are not Slovene and refuse to have anything to do with Slovenia or the Slovene in Italy.
All the recordings were made by Arturo Longhino in monophony perhaps visiting some the informants in their homes or bringing them to a studio. The whole album looks like a short monography with an important place given to fables or short stories all said by women. There are seven of them with animals as protagonists. Dancing is traditionally supported by the duet violin and cello like bass. That kind of music is also played in Istria and other parts of Slovenia. Women used to sing together; here four of them sing as a ''koro''.
Longhino gives all the names with Italian and Slovene equivalents. The lyrics of the four songs are also available.
A very good LP especially if you are interested in that area between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea.




  1. Hello Hervé, thank you very much for this one. :)
    Sometimes we don't comment, but we're always looking.

  2. yes I know what you mean; I feel the same myself when visiting other blogs

  3. Hello Hervé! This record is fanstatic! And a very interesting minority in Italy! Thank You for sharing!

    1. Hi Ethnoman ! thanks for visiting; this album might be one the first ever produced about the Val Resia; that would be interesting to get more information about that but what I know is that there are more recent albums issued on CD; one of them is ''Resia Valley Music/Smarnamisa !'' published in 1996 by Avan; available on Spotify in you don't know it.
      Cheers !



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