Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Binali Selman



Harika, no date, 58

Binali Selman was a well known Turkish  zurna player. He was born in 1931 in Bayburt and started his musical career in 1954 after winning a competition organized by Radio Istanbul. He could play all sorts of tradtional instruments including the ney. He had been part of the folk orchestra in Radio Istanbul for thirty years. He worked with big names of Turkish folk/pop scene like Cem Karaca, Barış Manço and Okay Temiz. During the eighties he was awarded the title of world champion zurna player in India. He died in 1996.
This tape is one of many tapes and LPs he recorded; Some of the tunes are availbale on different albums. Seven tracks are mentionned on the cover but there are eight tunes on side A. Side B has nine tracks supposedly but there are eight tracks really. Hope you can find out by yourself what is what.
The davul player is anonymous.



  1. Thank you Herve. Yes , Yes he is one of the bests zurna players. A favourite and a very good album is Binali Selman - Halaylarımız ve Barlarımız - TRT Arsiv Serisi 173

  2. Thanks for the tip Leonidas; it's true that the Arsiv Serisi series is superb.



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