Monday, April 10, 2023

Féerie Sud-Marocaine



tout le folklore musical pré-saharien recueilli et présenté par JEAN MAZEL


 all the pre-Saharan musical folklore collected and presented by JEAN MAZEL

Philips, 1955, N 76.048 R 

Jean Mazel was a French writer and cineaste who also recorded in the field especially in Morocco. This album was the first one he ever published and got an award ''le Grand Prix de l'Académie du Disque Français''. He reads his own text of introduction to the brief musical examples. In spite of their short duration the musical parts are interesting with predominance of singing.
I think that this kind of presentation was necessary at the time because this album was aimed at the general public with no knowledge of Moroccan musical culture. The text is quite literary at times but the music is quite authentic.
Text in French.
Side A : from ''Introduction'' to ''le grand Crescendo'' part of ''le Grand Haouache de Telouet''; the rest on side B.
The musical parts of this album are now part of a CD with other recordings by Mazel (free download on Bandcamp).



  1. <> Thank you Herve for the recording and for the "tip". Is it possible to provide us the bandcamp link?

  2. here you are :


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