Sunday, May 23, 2021



Documents sonores recueillis et enregistrés par Gérard Kremer

BAM, 1970, LD 442 Série Club

Audio documents collected and recorded by Gérard Kremer

Gérard Kremer was what was called in the 1970's a ''chasseur de sons'', a sound hunter. He travelled to Colombia, Thailand, Ireland, Bali, India etc.. and produced lots of vinyles. Recorded in 1968, this peruvian music was like a revelation to me as a teenager who took up the kena shortly before. There was a South-american wave in France at that time with bands like Los Incas and Los Calchakis. The music here was recorded in the streets in different parts of Peru and is a big contrast with the musical approach of those bands. I think this album is one of the best G. Kremer ever made. But some mistakes are present in the notes written by Kremer himself; for example on A2 he thinks he had recorded a charango while it is a mandolin which is widely played in Peru. In fact there is no charango at all on this LP. Another mistake on A3 where he says that the antara pan-pipes are played while they are conduct flutes; compare with antaras on B3. There is a superb example of brass band music on B7.

BAM stands for ''la boîte à musique'' meaning ''music box'' and was a very good French label for recordings in the field. 

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