Tuesday, September 13, 2022

cornemuses de France 2




Bretagne Gascogne Vendée Alsace-Lorraine Languedoc

Discovale, 1976, WM 12

 This is the second album about bagpipes in France from regions that are at the periphery of the country. As for volume one the players are all revivalists (see my September 5 post). Some of these bagpipes were well known as the biniou koz and the Highland bagpipe used in Brittany. But bagpipes from Alsace or Gascogne were already extinct at the time of the revival. The Alsatian bagpipe didn't benefit from it while the boha is now quite alive again in Gascony.

Note that track A2 was in fact divided in three tracks : so the ''suite montagne'' starts with a melody and a ton simple (a and b); then track A2 the bal (c) and track A2 ends with a ton doub (d). I prefered to keep the same name (A2) for these tracks for a better use of the information on the back cover. So instead of the twelve tracks mentionned there are fourteen of them. The editing generally speaking is not optimal due to five different locations for the recordings; some of the performances are stopped abruptely almost before the end of the tune.

The Flemish bagpipe is not part of this collection while it was already well known but maybe more in Belgium than in France. 


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