Thursday, September 22, 2022

Los Pampas



flûte indienne.charengo.bombo.flautilla tucumana.guitares


Disques Vogue, 1969, CLVLX 381

This is the first album out of two recorded by this excellent band of Argentinian musicians. Interestingly it was issued in France on a French label (as well as the second album). France was very much attracted to Latin American music generally speaking at that time and had been since the fifties; a lot a groups toured in France and Western Europe like Los Guaranis and Los Machucambos then later Los Incas, Los Calchakis, ... Los Pampas was led by Carlos Benn-Pott the kena player (also a member of Los Incas); he composed some of the tunes present on this album. Raul Maldonado on guitar and vocals was also an important musician for the diffusion of Argentinian music in Europe.
The repertoire is made of traditional dances and songs : chacarera, zamba, escondido, bailecito, cueca etc... The two zambas sung here are quite good and moving.
Argentina is a vast country with all sorts of musics, the tango being the most famous. Here Los Pampas play what I would call ''neo-folklore'' with tunes and songs originating partly from the Inca Empire and pieces from the pampa. Los Pampas were a band of nomadic people from various ethnic origins hence the name of that region in Argentina used by the Spanish afterwards.
Text in French.


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